Electronic classbook
Internet based informational system.
What is the purpose of the project?
Parents to be informed about the marks and absents of their children in the classroom.
The access to the system is accomplished by global network, thus there is no need to install specialized software all you need is to be connected to WWW.
You save time for processing the monthly references of the absence of students, term and annual exam result for success of students and classes.
To import the basic data you should export it from module Admin, which means that there is no need to be imported on hand following things:
Names and UCCs of teachers and students;
Names of subjects;
Distribution of the students in classes;
Distribution of form-masters;
The student marks are imported in subjects, the subjects are selected in every class according to the curriculum.
The student marks, absents and student notes are imported from the form-master of every class.
Video module grades students(parents): play
Video module - teachers: play
Video module - principles: play
Video module - administrators play
Video – import data from Admin and archive : play
Video-administration of the content: play
Login for demo (name and password are demo): entry